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Unit 3: Production Proposals

During Unit 3 I have been working on my final project, a design proposal for the opera The Rheingold by Richard Wagner. The Rheingold is the first of four operas in the opera cycle The Ring of the Nieblung.

In my final dissertation, I looked at the production history of Wagner's Ring cycle at the Bayreuth festival. Looking at the Ring from the perspective of a theatre designer I wanted to see if I could detect points in history of Ring stagings, where radical decisions were made that influenced the level of deference towards the original 1876 production.

In my final MA exhibition, I will be exhibiting my design proposal for the Rheingold, as well as a design proposal for Hamlet that I made in unit 2. I will also exhibit the puppet I made in unit 2, and a design proposal for a small monologue play, that is still in progress. 

© 2022 Eva Bjorg Hardardottir

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